Customer Testimonials

Read why these past clients love being a part of the JTB Family.

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Eagles Landing Header

Homeowner | Eagles Landing (Hudsonville)

“The quality of the home is fantastic! The time it took from groundbreaking to move it was a very short 4 1/2 months! Overall, it was a very pleasant experience working with JTB Homes and I recommend them highly to my friends.”

Northport Kitchen

Homeowner | High Point View (Hudsonville)

“Great staff and a great showroom! You don’t have to drive all over the city to different stores for your selections.”

RS174 Living room

Homeowner | Chase Farms (Byron Center)

“Great craftsmanship, high quality homes. They take pride in their work.”

3844 Inwood Ridge Ct Living Room2

Homeowner | Hidden Ridge (Grandville/Byron Center)

“Friendly service, overall quality is great so far. Nice that kitchen and master bath both finished in quartz. Overall happy with our home quality.”

7980 Byron Depot

Homeowner | Byron Center

“I am most satisfied with the process of working with the design team and the builder kept me in the loop. I felt like I could get in touch with people and Jeff kept me involved in the process and answered questions.”

JTB Homes

Homeowner | Graymoor (Caledonia)

“From start to finish our experience was amazing. We got to pick out everything exactly how we wanted. The workmanship exceeded our expectations and the team was collaborative along the way. Thank you so much!”

4249 Boynton Hollow

Homeowner | Holland

“The floor plan was outstanding! We had them finish the basement area, and they did a very good job on that! The home design and the interior decorations were very, very good. The driveway was in good shape. The lawn was in bad shape, and they have made some improvements on that. I am very pleased with the improvements they have done to resolve some issues we have had. The people have been tremendous.”

JTB Homes

Homeowner | Water's Edge Condos (Allendale)

“We started with another group then changed mid-stream to JTB. What a difference! Can’t wait for the housewarming!!”

Hidden Shores_WHITBY_1002(1)

Homeowner | Hidden Shores West (Allendale)

“JTB Homes are built with high quality and craftmanship. I feel very proud to live in a fabulous community.”


Homeowner | 43 North

Overall the experience was fulfilling and fun. JTB designers and architects are knowledgeable and provide appropriate guidance based on their experience and personal preferences. I am thankful for choosing JTB as my home builder.

Experience the JTB Difference

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