Customer Testimonials

Read why these past clients love being a part of the JTB Family.

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Homeowner | Hidden Shores West

The staff that we worked with helped us to create a home that we wanted that was not typical for JTB. The design team that we worked with was exceptional, the architect was very thorough and thoughtful. Overall, their team is very nice.

Homeowner | Blackhawk (Forest Hills)

“I would give it higher than a 5 if I could. I would highly recommend JTB Homes to anyone looking to build. The process was smooth from bringing, through construction, and during closing. This was during COVID as well. They communicated with me constantly and thoroughly. It was a wonderful experience.”


Homeowner | Water's Edge Condos (Allendale)

“We have toured JTB homes and condos for many years with parade of homes in our area and were always impressed with the quality of work.  We are very happy to now be an owner!!”

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Homeowner | Hidden Shores West (Allendale)

“JTB Homes are built with high quality and craftmanship. I feel very proud to live in a fabulous community.”


Homeowner | Blackhawk (Grand Rapids)

“I would highly recommend JTB Homes to anyone looking to build. The process was smooth from beginning, through construction, and during closing.”

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Homeowner | Eagles Landing (Hudsonville)

“The quality of the home is fantastic! The time it took from groundbreaking to move it was a very short 4 1/2 months! Overall, it was a very pleasant experience working with JTB Homes and I recommend them highly to my friends.”

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Homeowner | Hidden Ridge Condos (Grandville)

“The home is very well built. With everything new there are minor issues but the response to correct them has been great!”

Homeowner | Villas at the Ravines (Rockford)

“We have been especially impressed with our project manager. He has been a pleasure to work with and has timely communication.”

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Homeowner | Graymoor

Randy was a pleasure to work with as our building representative. He was always so quick to provide help/answers to anything we needed. He went above and beyond our expectations.

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Homeowner | Hidden Ridge Condos (Grandville)

“JTB Homes had a good reputation from 3 different friends that had purchased from them. We were not disappointed by any aspect of the process of purchasing our condo from JTB Homes. Our condo was completed by JTB Homes, we did not participate in the design process … but the design team hit all our expectations in regards to a beautifully decorated / appointed home.”

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